Unlocking Wisdom Within: The Transformative Power of Channeling and Automatic Writing

Welcome back to my blog! About three years ago, my spiritual journey took an unexpected turn, leading me deep into the world of channeling. My fascination began with the Law of Attraction, as taught by Abraham, a conscious entity channeled by Esther Hicks. This interest expanded when I discovered Sara Landon, who channels “The Council,” known for their positive messages on living life to the fullest. Attending Sara’s channeling course was a game-changer for me, teaching me to access higher wisdom independently.

Channeling, for those who might not know, involves connecting with your subconscious, higher self, or non-physical entities like spirit guides and angels. It’s closely related to Intuitive Writing or Automatic Writing (Psychography), where you write freely, without conscious thought, allowing your inner voice to flow through. It’s a process of opening up to a larger consciousness, beyond just our everyday thoughts and perceptions.

My own journey with channeling began in therapy, during the early days of my recovery and awakening. One of my therapists introduced me to inner child work which included automatic writing to help me access my inner child. I remember writing conversations with my inner child, ‘Little Mark,’ using a simple format to create a dialogue. At first, these conversations felt made up, almost silly. But as I persisted, I was amazed to find profound truths and unexpected insights emerging from these writings. This process led to significant emotional healing and the release of long-held pain.

Years later, I revisited automatic writing in a channeling course, this time focusing on conversations with my higher self, or what I refer to as my ‘soul.’ Questions like “What does my soul have to say to me today?” or “What is my relationship with money?” helped me delve deeper into understanding myself and overcoming subconscious blocks. Channeling isn’t about thinking; it’s about getting out of your head and into your heart, which many spiritual teachings regard as the gateway to higher consciousness.

This journey into channeling has been incredibly enriching, bringing me wisdom, joy, and spiritual expansion. I’m now part of a group of individuals who share channeled messages and support each other’s spiritual growth. Channeling has allowed me to move beyond limiting, ego-driven thoughts, and connect more deeply with thoughts of love and abundance. It’s a practice that keeps me in a state of higher consciousness for longer periods.

I’ve also been leading meditations to help others open their hearts to channeling. I recently recorded a general meditation to help relax into the present moment and open chakras for better energy flow. I encourage you to check it out and perhaps give automatic writing a try.

Open to Channeling Meditation

Stay tuned for my next blog post, where I’ll share resources for those interested in learning to channel. If you want to join me on this journey of spiritual and personal growth you can check out my list of resources to help get you started in channeling and automatic writing.

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